Porn addiction

Everything you need to know about porn addiction and effective ways of treatment.

An illustration of a person looking at a tablet with a heart symbol, representing compulsive engagement with pornography. The person appears happy and engrossed, with a large hand emerging from the tablet screen.

What is pornography addiction?

Porn addiction, also known as compulsive sexual behavior disorder, is a type of behavioral addiction characterized by compulsive and uncontrollable viewing of pornography. Individuals with a porn addiction experience significant negative consequences in various aspects of their lives, including relationships, mental health, and daily functioning.

Signs of porn addiction

Distinguishing between casual and addictive engagement with pornography involves recognizing signs of loss of control and negative impacts on one’s life. While occasional viewing of pornography for entertainment can be considered recreational, addiction manifests as compulsive behaviour, with individuals unable to stop despite experiencing adverse effects on their relationships, work, and mental well-being.

An illustration of a person lying on a couch, using a laptop with a relaxed posture, representing addictive engagement with pornography.

How to stop or moderate

Comprehensive approach

Stopping or moderating porn addiction requires acknowledgment of the problem and seeking professional help. Treatment options may include therapy, counseling, support groups, and behavioural interventions aimed at addressing underlying issues and modifying addictive behaviours. Developing healthy coping mechanisms and setting limits on pornography consumption are essential steps in regaining control.

Detox from porn

Detoxification from porn addiction involves discontinuing compulsive viewing of pornography under medical supervision to manage withdrawal symptoms and cravings. Professional support is crucial during detox to address psychological factors contributing to addiction. Following detox, ongoing therapy, participation in support groups, and lifestyle changes are vital for long-term recovery and preventing relapse into addictive behaviour. Treatment in a specialized clinic with a multidisciplinary team of addiction experts can offer tailored interventions for effective recovery.

Registration procedure flow

Our registration procedure follows a structured flow from initial contact through intake, treatment planning, the start of treatment, and aftercare, ensuring that individuals and their families receive comprehensive support and personalized care every step of the way.



Treatment plan

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Do you want to help a family member or friend?

We can support you and your loved ones navigate porn addiction, offering education on coping and recovery from its impact. Together, we create a safe space where sharing, listening, and learning thrive. Your journey matters, and we're committed to being a supportive presence through every twist and turn.

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