Oxycodone addiction

Everything you need to know about oxycodone and effective ways of treatment.

An illustration of a person with a distressed expression, holding their head, surrounded by abstract shapes and lines symbolizing confusion and mental strain, representing the challenges and health risks associated with oxycodone misuse and addiction.

What is oxycodone?

Oxycodone is a potent pain reliever classified as an opioid, similar to other strong painkillers like morphine, fentanyl, and methadone. Primarily used to alleviate severe pain resulting from surgery, injuries, or cancer, it can also serve as a sedative in end-of-life care. Despite its effectiveness, misuse of oxycodone can lead to serious health issues, including addiction. It’s crucial to manage oxycodone use carefully and consult with a healthcare professional regarding proper dosage and tapering off the medication.

Signs of oxycodone misuse

While oxycodone is prescribed for legitimate pain management, prolonged or unauthorized use can lead to addiction. Opioids like oxycodone produce euphoric and sedative effects, making them prone to abuse. Signs of oxycodone addiction include increased tolerance, preoccupation with obtaining and using the drug, and unsuccessful attempts to cut down or control use.

An illustration of a person being given a spoonful of pills, symbolizing the potential for addiction and misuse of oxycodone when used for prolonged periods or without proper medical supervision. The image highlights the importance of recognizing signs of addiction and the risks associated with opioid use.

How to stop or moderate

Comprehensive approach

Recognizing oxycodone addiction is crucial for initiating recovery. Seeking professional help and adhering to a structured treatment plan are essential steps in stopping or moderating oxycodone use. Treatment options may include medication-assisted therapy, counseling, and gradual tapering of medication under medical supervision.

Inpatient programs

In cases of severe oxycodone addiction, inpatient treatment may be necessary. Inpatient programs provide a structured and supportive environment, including detoxification, therapy, counselling, and education on relapse prevention. If someone is struggling to quit and experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms, seeking professional help and considering inpatient treatment is highly recommended.

Detox from oxycodone

Detoxifying from oxycodone involves safely discontinuing the medication under medical supervision to manage withdrawal symptoms. A gradual tapering approach is typically recommended to minimize the severity of these symptoms.

Medical professionals provide crucial support and monitor for potential complications during the detox process. Following detox, ongoing treatment and support are vital for long-term recovery from oxycodone addiction.

Although gradual tapering is the best approach, it is often challenging due to severe dependency and heavy withdrawal symptoms, making it difficult to manage alone. Therefore, detoxing in a clinical setting is highly recommended.

Registration procedure flow

Our registration procedure follows a structured flow from initial contact through intake, treatment planning, the start of treatment, and aftercare, ensuring that individuals and their families receive comprehensive support and personalized care every step of the way.



Treatment plan

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Do you want to help a family member or friend?

We can support you and your loved ones navigate oxycodone addiction, offering education on coping and recovery from its impact. Together, we create a safe space where sharing, listening, and learning thrive. Your journey matters, and we're committed to being a supportive presence through every twist and turn.

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