XTC addiction

Everything you need to know about XTC and effective ways of treatment.

Illustration of two animated figures dancing energetically, surrounded by confetti, representing the stimulating and euphoric effects of XTC (ecstasy) at parties. The characters' dynamic poses and vibrant colors symbolize the heightened energy, elevated mood, and enhanced social interactions associated with MDMA use.

What is XTC?

XTC, or ecstasy, is a popular party drug in the Netherlands, containing MDMA as its active ingredient. MDMA induces stimulating and hallucinogenic effects, releasing serotonin in users’ brains, leading to increased energy, elevated mood, and altered perceptions. The drug enhances emotions and social interactions, often resulting in heightened physical touch. 

However, it also poses risks such as increased heart rate, dehydration, and potential liver damage. Users may experience side effects like dizziness, nausea, and memory issues, with long-term effects including psychiatric disorders and cardiovascular problems.

Signs of XTC misuse

XTC isn’t typically considered addictive in a physical sense, unlike substances such as cocaine or GHB. However, some users may develop psychological dependence due to the drug’s euphoric effects. Continuous use may lead to tolerance, requiring higher doses to achieve the same effects, and potential cravings for the drug. Combining XTC with alcohol or other substances amplifies risks and is strongly discouraged due to unpredictable outcomes. 

Seeking professional help is advisable for those struggling with XTC dependence, as therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and group therapy can aid in managing cravings and preventing relapse.

Illustration of a person in a defensive stance, with animated symbols around their head representing psychological stress and potential cravings. This image signifies the psychological dependence that can develop from continuous XTC use, highlighting the struggle against cravings and the need for professional help.

How to stop or moderate

Comprehensive approach​

If struggling with XTC use, seeking professional assistance is crucial. Consulting a healthcare provider can lead to referrals for tailored treatment, including therapy or specialized addiction clinics. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps individuals recognize and alter destructive thought patterns, reducing cravings and triggers.

Group therapy fosters a sense of community among individuals facing similar challenges, providing support and understanding. Additionally, establishing a strong support network and avoiding triggers can aid in moderating or ceasing XTC use.

Inpatient programs

In cases of severe XTC addiction, inpatient treatment may be necessary. Inpatient programs provide a structured and supportive environment, including detoxification, therapy, counselling, and education on relapse prevention. If someone is struggling to quit and experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms, seeking professional help and considering inpatient treatment is highly recommended.

Detox from XTC

Detoxification from XTC involves comprehensive treatment strategies addressing physical and psychological aspects of addiction. Medical professionals may employ pharmacological interventions to manage withdrawal symptoms and stabilize patients. Therapeutic approaches such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy assist in identifying and modifying behaviors contributing to substance use.

Group therapy facilitates peer support and shared experiences, promoting recovery. Detox programs emphasize holistic wellness, incorporating nutrition, exercise, and stress management techniques. Long-term follow-up and support are essential for sustained recovery from XTC addiction.​

Registration procedure flow

Our registration procedure follows a structured flow from initial contact through intake, treatment planning, the start of treatment, and aftercare, ensuring that individuals and their families receive comprehensive support and personalized care every step of the way.



Treatment plan

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We can support you and your loved ones navigate XTC dependence, offering education on coping and recovery from its impact. Together, we create a safe space where sharing, listening, and learning thrive. Your journey matters, and we're committed to being a supportive presence through every twist and turn.

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